Saturday, September 26, 2015

Digital Citizenship Week at PTISD

As we move deeper into the 21st century, technology is becoming an ever more important part of our lives. Nearly everything we do relies on a technology tool and many of these tools are tied directly to the Internet. In schools (like PTISD) we are using technology-based tools more than ever to provide student resources, deliver instruction, and enhance the educational experience for our students. As we increase technology use we must also increase our work with students and parents on Digital Citizenship. Students must understand that their online actions are "Public and Permanent" and parents need to know how to help their children stay safe while using digital tools. During the week of October 19-23 PTISD will host a variety of events to bring awareness to this important topic. Please see the flyer below. If you have any questions about the events, please contact Robin White at, Nicolle Davis at, or Dr. Tony Tipton at

If you would like to explore more about digital citizenship we recommend checking our Common Sense Media online.

Girls in Technology

PTISD, in cooperation with Region 7 ESC in Kilgore, is proud to announce the first ever Girls in Technology event in east Texas. This program will provide 10 girls with the opportunity to interact with advanced technology tools such as 3-D printing, robots, remote piloted aircraft (RFP), and Makey Makey tools. We are excited to send girls from grades 1st through 12th to this event with our two District Technology Coordinators Nicolle Davis and Robin White. See the flyer below for more details.

If you have any questions about the Digital Learning program at PTISD please contact Dr. Tony Tipton at